My Story

My story starts on the island of Trinidad with roots going back to Southern India. I have lived on the East and West coast of the United States, currently residing in Portland, Oregon with my teenager. My passion for cooking took me to culinary school and started my journey of learning about cultures and people through their food. My own culture is rich with a mix of Indian, African, Chinese, and British influence, so much to garner about colonization based on the journey of food.

Later I completed my B.A in American Multicultural Studies, and sought to affect change through economic equity. I became a union organizer and deepened my understanding of social and interpersonal divisions that persist.
 My training in Theater of the Oppressed, Non-Violent Communication, Courage Conversations, Mindfulness and Coaching allows me to hold various racial and cultural identities with awareness, skill and presence, pointing individuals, groups, and folks within organizations to their own best selves.