Gains on the Work
We are back this Spring for another version of our popular workshop. Bridget and I loved giving interested folks a preview as to what happens in these spaces, and it reminded us of the power of gathering in earnest. Please set an appointment to learn more, but if you feel ready — we will welcome the dive! You can learn more and sign up here.

Our Workshop Preview: Now Free!
Bridget and I are happy to offer a 1-hour preview our or Moving Beyond the Fear of a Making a Racialized Mistake Workshop as a one hour preview on February 22nd. If you are looking to invest in this work and want a free preview of the work we do, please sign up for our abbreviated intro at this link!

Culture Change Mediation Services: Transforming conflict into connection
I offer mediation sessions for pairs or small groups centered around the unconscious role that race, class, power, and privilege play in conflict, using mindfulness and a trauma-informed approach combined with coaching methods in order to support a deeper human connection.

Our Second Series of Moving Beyond the Fear of Making a Racialized Mistake - Registration is Open!
Having conversations that center race, racism and anti-blackness are challenging. How do you navigate those interactions, learn from them and minimize harm to people of the global majority? Join us and build your capacity to be with the discomfort.

Settings and Social Identity
I was so honored to be a part of Shawna Gann's "Our True Colors" podcast as a guest, in which we discuss racial identity, concepts of belonging, and finding space in your place. Ultimately, when you are willing to stand in your power, who is supposed to be there - is there. Check out the conversation here!

Moving Beyond the Fear of Making a Racialized Mistake
In September, I was pleased to co-facilitate this workshop with Bridget Bertrand, in which white-bodied folks were able to dive into deeper learning of how whiteness shows up for them on a regular basis. We used mindfulness and creativity to explore these themes, and built a space of trust and care for those who came. Want to learn more about upcoming workshops? Sign up to get updates and news, follow me on the socials, and stay tuned for more good things to come!

Extra Paint
I want to share my journey with the “white hand on black background” because it touches deep into my soul….